Der Zauber der Erschöpfung und die Lust am Wagnis


Eroica Japan Event Regulations

General Provisions

▪ These regulations define the agreements that the event organizers and participants of "Eroica Japan" must abide by, as well as the content of the event itself.

▪ "Eroica Japan" will hereinafter be referred to as "the Event".

▪ The event organizers, including the staff, volunteers, and others, will hereinafter be referred to as "the Organizers".

▪ Participants of the event will hereinafter be referred to as "Participants".

▪ The official website of Eroica Japan, "", will be referred to as "the Official Site". 

▪ These regulations and the notices, important items, and pledges set by the organizers will be referred to as "the Rules".

1. Event Overview

▪ Event Name: Eroica Japan

▪ Event Organizers: To be listed at the bottom of this page under the event overview.

▪ Event Duration: April 12, 2025, 06:00 – April 13, 2025, 22:00

▪ Event Venue: "Eroica Village" (Izunaka Village)

▪ Venue Address: 410-2211, Nagaoka 1067-1, Izunokuni City, Shizuoka Prefecture

▪ Phone: 03-6914-7070 / 080-4100-0202

Official LINE:

Official Email: [email protected]

2. Eroica Japan Ride

The cycling events that start and finish at Eroica Village and adhere to traffic regulations will be collectively referred to as "Eroica Japan Ride," abbreviated as "Ride." The following rides will be held during Eroica Japan:

▪ April 12: MAPEI Friend Ride

Bicycles allowed: All types of bicycles, including the latest models and electric bicycles.

▪ April 13: Eroica Classic Ride

Bicycles allowed: Bici Eroica (as defined in section 12.4) bicycles only.

3. Ciao Izu Peninsula

The events held during the Eroica Japan period at Eroica Village will be collectively referred to as "Ciao Izu Peninsula".

The abbreviations of each event held at Ciao Izu Peninsula will be referred to as "Event" or "Each Event".

Each event to be held at Ciao Izu Peninsula is as follows. The details of each event will be published on the Official Site.

▪ Ciao Izu Peninsula Food Court

A food court selling Izu Peninsula’s specialty dishes and local products.

▪ Ciao Izu Peninsula Cycle Exhibition

A sale and exhibition of bicycles and bicycle-related products, as well as products from local governments and other organizations.

▪ Eroica Marche

A flea market selling bicycles, bicycle parts, related goods, and local products.

▪ Eroica Seminar

A talk show aimed at providing information on bicycles and promoting their use.

▪ Concorso di Eleganza

A contest to judge the beauty of vintage bicycles.

▪ Eroica Japan Pre-event Party CIAO EROICA

A dinner event for participant交流 (April 12, Pre-event Party).

4. Entry to Eroica Japan

Applying to participate in Eroica Japan is referred to as "Entry".

The entry period, application methods, and payment methods for participation will be announced on the Official Site.

▪ Entry Period: January 8, 2025 (Wed) 00:00 – Apr 3, 2025 (Thu) 00:00

▪ Entry Method: Participants must access the following URL, register on "MY EROICA," and choose their desired ride for the Eroica Japan Ride within MY EROICA.

MY EROICA Registration Site:

5. Entry Fee for Eroica Japan Ride

The entry fee includes a bicycle number, race bib, stamp card (route map), insurance, food and beverages at RS points, *event memorabilia, and *completion awards. The stamp card (route map) will be referred to as "the Stamp Card".

*Items marked with an asterisk will only be distributed to participants in the Eroica Classic Ride.

6. Participation Agreement for the Event

Participants are considered to have entered into a participation agreement with the Organizers and to have agreed to these regulations upon completing their application through the method specified on the Official Site and making the required payment.

7. Check-in and Bicycle Inspection

7.1 Race Kit

The items required for participation in the Eroica Japan Ride, including a bicycle number, race bib, and stamp card, will collectively be referred to as the "Race Kit". Check-in is when participants receive their Race Kit at Eroica Village.

7.2 Check-in

Participants must check in at the Eroica Village check-in counter within the specified time during the event period. The specified time will be displayed on the Official Site.

7.3 Required Documents for Check-in

Participants must present the following three documents when receiving their Race Kit at Eroica Japan headquarters:

However, participants who complete the E-check (as outlined in section 9) will be exempt from presenting items (2) and (3).

① Identification card

② Bicycle insurance certificate or proof of membership *Exempt for participants who complete the E-check.

③ Eroica Japan E-check inspection sheet *Exempt for participants who complete the E-check.

8. Check-in Period

▪ MAPEI Friend Ride Check-in Times:

April 11, 2025: 13:00 – 18:00

April 12, 2025: 06:00 – Start Time

▪ Eroica Classic Ride Check-in Times:

April 11, 2025: 13:00 – 18:00

April 12, 2025: 06:00 – 22:00

No check-ins will be accepted on April 13, 2025.

9. Pre-check-in - E-check

9.1 E-check

The pre-check-in process conducted online will be referred to as "E-check".

9.2 E-check Page

Participants who wish to be exempt from presenting documents (2) and (3) can complete the E-check after February 9 via the following page.

※ The E-check webpage will be available from February 9.

10. Check-in Outside Specified Hours

In principle, check-ins outside the specified hours will not be accepted. However, in cases of special circumstances such as accidents or delays, participants may contact the event office and discuss possible solutions.

11. Required Bicycle Inspection and Insurance Documents at Check-in

11.1 Bicycle Inspection and Inspection Sheet

Participants are responsible for performing a safety inspection of their bicycle prior to participating in the event. This is called "Bicycle Inspection". The form used for this inspection is referred to as the "Inspection Sheet".

11.2 Bicycle Insurance Certificate

The bicycle insurance certificate (including personal liability insurance) or proof of insurance is referred to as "Bicycle Insurance Certificate".

11.3 Required Documents

The Inspection Sheet and Bicycle Insurance Certificate are collectively referred to as the "Required Documents".

11.4 Presentation of Required Documents at Check-in

Participants must present the required documents to the organizer during check-in. However, participants who have completed the E-check as per Section 9 will be exempted from presenting these documents. The following are the three methods for presenting the required documents.

① E-check

Participants must have a safety check performed at a local bicycle shop or on their own, following the E-check designated inspection sheet. Afterward, they should submit the signed inspection sheet, along with information about the bicycle insurance certificate, via the E-check online submission. During the event, participants must retain the necessary documents, but they do not need to present them during check-in.

② Without E-check

Participants who do not complete the E-check must have the bicycle safety inspection performed at a local bicycle shop or on their own, following the designated inspection sheet. They must present the signed inspection sheet and bicycle insurance certificate during check-in.

③ If the Inspection Sheet and Bicycle Insurance Certificate Are Not Available

Participants who do not have the inspection sheet and bicycle insurance certificate may request to have the inspection performed by a designated bicycle repair shop within the Eroica Village during the check-in period. The cost for this service is 4400 yen. However, participants are responsible for preparing their own bicycle insurance certificate.

12. Participation Eligibility

12.1 The Spirit of Eroica

The event emphasizes the “spirit of Eroica,” which values “overcoming challenges through the participant’s own effort,” as reflected in the name “Eroica” (heroic). Participants are expected to respect and uphold this spirit. 

12.2 Qualifications for Participation in the Eroica Japan Ride 

The following nine qualifications are required for participation in the Eroica Japan Ride: 

1. Abide by the spirit of Eroica. 

2. Possess the physical strength and experience to safely complete the chosen route. 

3. Be personally responsible for addressing issues such as flat tires or other mechanical failures. 

4. Comply with laws, traffic regulations, and instructions from event staff. 

5. Wear a helmet while cycling. 

6. Refrain from competing for rank or time during the event. 

7. Ride safely and show consideration for other traffic participants. 

8. Be at least 12 years old. 

   *Middle school participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.* 

9. Be enrolled in a bicycle insurance policy, including personal liability coverage. 

12.3 Prohibited Acts and Disqualification

Participants engaging in the following actions during the event (or its associated periods) will be disqualified and may be banned from future events: 

1. Fraudulently obtaining checkpoint (CP) stamps—e.g., by deviating from the designated route or asking others to acquire stamps—and falsely claiming to have completed the ride. 

2. Using another participant’s race number or counterfeit race numbers. 

3. Engaging in verbal abuse, intimidation, defamation, illegal actions, or behavior against public order and morals. 

12.4 Bicycle Regulations for the Eroica Japan Classic Ride

Only Bici Eroica bicycles are eligible for the Eroica Japan Classic Ride. Bici Eroica bicycles are defined as those compliant with Japanese road traffic laws and utilizing mechanisms developed and established by 1987. 

Bicycles of any age, type, or material are allowed, and the size or number of wheels is unrestricted, provided the spoke count conforms to regulation ⑤. However, stems must be quill stems. 

1. Frames: Any material or model year is allowed if the bicycle operates on mechanisms developed before 1987. 

   *Example*: Modern carbon frames equipped with downtube shifters and toe-clip pedals are ineligible due to the use of a threadless stem. 

   *Example*: Bicycles from 1987 or later (including aluminum and carbon frames) equipped with quill stems, downtube shifters, and toe-clip pedals are eligible. 

   *Note*: Specific post-1987 bicycles, such as LOOK carbon models, modern Colnago Masters, De Rosa Neo Primatos, Bianchi Eroica models, or other modern handmade bicycles using pre-1987 mechanisms, are allowed. 

2. Shifting Systems: Mechanisms developed before 1987 must be used. 

   *Examples*: Cambio Corsa, Margherita, or current Yoshigai downtube shifters are allowed. 

3. Pedals: Toe clips and toe straps must be used. Cinelli M71 and Campagnolo SGR pedals are allowed, but other mechanisms are not. 

   *Example*: Clipless pedals are not allowed. 

4. Brakes: Brakes developed before 1987 must be used. Pre-1987 aerodynamic brakes are also allowed. 

   *Examples*: Current Dia-Compe single-pivot brakes, Shimano AX/EX models, or certain SunTour products are acceptable. Shimano’s 1971 disc brake-equipped Junior Sports is also eligible. 

5. Wheels: Minimum spoke count is 32, and carbon materials are not allowed. Wheels with fewer than 32 spokes are permitted if rims are from 1987 or earlier. 

   *Examples*: 20-inch wheels, Mavic SSC, Fiame red-label 28-hole rims, or NISI 16-inch 24-hole rims are eligible. 

6. Shifting Mechanisms/Sprocket Teeth: No restrictions apply. 

   *Example*: Front 39T/rear 28T configurations are allowed if deemed safe during inspection. 

7. Compliance with Road Traffic Laws: 

   *Example*: Brake-less bicycles are not permitted. 

12.5 Bicycle Regulations for the Eroica Japan MAPEI Friend Ride

Any bicycle that complies with road traffic laws may participate in the Eroica Japan MAPEI Friend Ride. 

   *Examples*: Modern disc-brake bicycles and e-bikes are eligible. Brake-less fixed-gear bicycles are not. 

12.6 Routes

Routes are published at the following: 

- Google Map:

- Ride with GPS: [Link]( 

12.7 Route Riding Instructions

After starting, participants must follow route signs, complete their selected route within the allotted time, obtain the specified number of CP stamps at designated checkpoints on their stamp card, and finish at the goal. Participants must adhere to traffic laws and refrain from racing for time or rank. Routes will be displayed on the official website. 

12.8 Route Changes

Participants may request route shortening before starting their ride by notifying the event headquarters, such as for health reasons. Route extensions are not allowed. 

- Participants accept that they may forgo certain food and drink provisions at RS (rest stops). 

- The organizer assumes no responsibility for disadvantages arising from route changes. 

12.9 Route Briefing

The organizer will hold briefings at the Eroica Village to explain route details and safety instructions. Briefing schedules will be announced on the official website. 

12.10 Assembly Times for Each Ride

Participants are required to assemble 15 minutes prior to the designated start time for each ride. The start times for each ride will be displayed on the official website.

12.11 Late Arrival

Participants who fail to start at the designated time will not be recognized as finishers. In such cases, no refunds or other compensation will be provided.

12.12 Finishers

Participants who successfully collect all required stamps at the designated checkpoints (CP) on their stamp card and reach the finish line will be considered finishers.

12.13 Finisher Awards

Finisher awards will be granted to participants who complete the Eroica Classic Ride.

12.14 Certificates of Completion and Similar Items

Certificates of completion and similar items will not be issued.

12.15 In Case of Troubles

If participants encounter or witness accidents, equipment malfunctions, or other issues during the ride, they are required to promptly take appropriate actions, such as calling emergency services (119 or 110) to ensure their own and others' safety.

12.16 Post-Trouble Protocol

Participants who have made emergency calls as described above or determined that such calls were unnecessary should, if possible, inform the organizer or the nearest Rest Stop (RS) via the official LINE account or phone. Contact details will be provided on the official website.

12.17 Rest Stops

Rest stops, referred to as RS, are established at specific points along the routes. At RS, the organizer will provide participants with food and drinks, perform paid repairs for broken bicycles, and offer first aid or lifesaving assistance for injured individuals. However, no medical treatments will be performed. Participants may only use RS services during their operating hours, which will be displayed on the official website.

12.18 Final Rest Stop

The final RS for all routes will be located at "MAPEI Lalala Sun Beach RS" Participants who fail to obtain a CP stamp at the final RS before its closing time will be considered retired. Other participants may continue their rides based on the provisions of Section 12.22. The closing time for "MAPEI Lalala Sun Beach" will be displayed under Section 12.20.

12.19 RS Closure, Route Closure, and Closing Times

Each RS will cease operations at its designated closing time. As a general rule, no services will be provided at RS after closure. RS closing times will be displayed on the official website.

12.20 Route Closing Times

For both April 12 and 13, the closing time for the MAPEI Lalala Sun Beach RS will mark the route closing time for the Eroica Japan Ride. At this time, the route closure operations will begin.

April 12: 3:00 PM
April 13: 7:00 PM

12.21 Route Closure Operations

Route closure vehicles stationed at designated RS will traverse the official route to collect retired participants and transport them to Eroica Village. Once this transport is complete, the organizer's responsibilities regarding the Eroica Japan Ride will conclude. The organizer assumes no responsibility for any inconveniences caused by RS closures or route closures. Information regarding route closure vehicles will be displayed on the official website.

12.22 Participants Who Fail to Reach the Goal After Route Closure

Participants who fail to reach the goal after the route closure but have obtained the stamp from the final RS will be considered finishers if they return to Eroica Village under their own power during the event period. All other participants will be considered retired as per Section 12.23.

12.23 Retirement and Transport by Route Closure Vehicles

Participants who decide to discontinue their ride for any reason during the event will be deemed "retired." The handling of retired participants and their transport are outlined below:

▪ Participants may retire at any location of their choosing. Such participants will be referred to as "retired participants."

▪ Retired participants will not be eligible for finisher awards.

▪ The organizer will not provide individual transport for retired participants. Instead, they will be collectively transported from designated RS to Eroica Village by a single route closure vehicle.

▪ Transport of retired participants will only be provided from RS to Eroica Village.

▪ Retired participants may leave the route and return home freely. However, those wishing to use the route closure vehicle must make their way to the nearest RS on their own.

▪ Retired participants may disembark from the route closure vehicle at any time upon request, provided that it does not compromise the safety of the vehicle or its occupants. The final decision will rest with the vehicle driver.

▪ Decisions regarding the transport of retired participants' bicycles will be made by the route closure vehicle driver.

▪ Drivers of the route closure vehicle may order retired participants to disembark if they interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle.

▪ The organizer assumes no responsibility for any inconveniences, losses, or damages incurred by retired participants.  

13. Cancellation or Modification of the Event

13.1 Cancellation of the Event

In the event of circumstances that may pose a danger to participants, such as earthquakes, natural disasters, terrorism, or war, the organizer may cancel, suspend, or modify the event.

13.2 Rain Policy

The event will generally proceed regardless of weather conditions, but the following conditions apply:

▪ Chao Izu Peninsula

The Chao Izu Peninsula event will generally proceed in the rain. However, if the Japan Meteorological Agency's weather forecast issued at 16:00 on April 8 and April 9 indicates a 40% chance of rain or a weather warning for the areas along the route, the event may be modified, shortened, or partially canceled. Additionally, if a thunderstorm warning is issued for the event area, all activities may be temporarily suspended or canceled.

▪ Eroica Japan Ride 

The Eroica Japan Ride will generally proceed in the rain. However, if the Japan Meteorological Agency's weather forecast issued at 16:00 on April 9 and April 10 indicates a 40% chance of rain or a weather warning for the areas along the route, the courses may be shortened or altered. If a thunderstorm warning is issued for the area, all rides may be temporarily suspended or canceled.

14. Refunds, Participant Substitution, and Cancellations Due to Injury/Illness

14.1 No Refunds
Once the participation agreement for the event (as specified in Section 6) has been established, the organizer will not issue any refunds under any circumstances.

14.2 No Race Kit Delivery for Non-Participants
If a participant does not attend the event, the organizer will not send a race kit.

14.3 Right to Substitute Participants
Participants may substitute another person in place of themselves for the event route or other services under the same conditions, provided that they notify the organizer at least 30 days prior to the event. Changes to the event route or other services will be discussed individually as necessary.

14.4 Transfer of Entry Fee to Next Year Due to Injury/Illness
If a participant is unable to participate in the event due to injury or illness, and notifies the organizer at least 30 days prior to the event, the participant may transfer their ride entry fee to the following year’s general ride entry fee by paying a cancellation fee of 3,000 yen. This transfer can only be made once. However, fees paid for other services will not be transferred. In the case of such a transfer request, the organizer may ask the participant to provide a medical certificate. Additionally, for any reason, if the organizer decides not to hold a similar ride in the following year, this right will be automatically forfeited without condition.

15. Personal Information

Handling of Personal Information

The organizer acknowledges the importance of personal information and will handle it in strict compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, as well as in accordance with the organizer’s personal information protection policy.

16. Content Usage and Publication Conditions

16.1 Content
Any text, images, audio, video, etc., created for the event shall be referred to as "Content." The organizer may permit approved companies, organizations, or media to freely modify the content for use in promotional materials, websites, or other public relations, exhibition, and publishing activities. Additionally, content that has been published or used may be removed from use without prior notice.
16.2 Prohibition of Unauthorized Commercial Use of Conten
The creation of content for commercial use without the organizer’s approval is prohibited.
16.3 Prohibition of Unauthorized Commercial Use of Content
The commercial use of content created for the event, without the organizer’s approval, is prohibited.

17. Copyright

17.1 Ownership of Copyright
The copyright and all other rights to all content related to the event, including promotional materials created using the content, belong to the organizer.

17.2 Use of Copyright 
Based on the prior consent obtained from participants for the use of event content, the organizer may, at its discretion and without further consent, freely reproduce, modify, delete, edit, distribute, create derivative works, and use the content in any other way, either free of charge or with approval from the organizer or a third party authorized by the organizer.

18. Portrait Rights and Publicity Rights

By entering into a participation agreement, participants are deemed to have approved the content usage and publication conditions as specified in Section 17.2. Participants waive any right to request the exercise of portrait rights or publicity rights in connection with the use of content or materials by the organizer or a third party authorized by the organizer.

19. Prohibited Activities at the Venue

During the event, the sale of goods, business, advertising, solicitation, or any other commercial activities without the organizer's permission is prohibited.

20. Compensation

20.1 The organizer is not responsible for the theft, damage, or loss of participants' property during the event.
20.2 In the unlikely event of an accident during the event, the organizer will take appropriate actions but, in principle, participants are responsible for resolving the situation at their own expense.
20.3 In the event of injury or death to a participant during the event, the organizer will provide compensation through the ride insurance contracted for the event.
20.4 The details of the ride insurance coverage available to participants are listed in Section 20.8 at the bottom of this page.
20.5 The compensation covers accidents or injuries directly related to the event. Illnesses are not covered.
20.6 The organizer will not provide compensation beyond the scope of the insurance coverage detailed in Section 20.3.
20.7 Compensation is available only to participants of the event.

21. Terms and Conditions Updates

21.1 The terms and conditions may be changed due to changes in social conditions or legal regulations.
21.2 If there is any change in the terms and conditions, the organizer will list the details and the date of the change on this page. Participants will be deemed to have confirmed the latest version of the terms.
21.3 If a participant disagrees with the updated terms and conditions, they must notify the organizer promptly and cancel their registration. However, the organizer will not issue a refund for the entry fee. If the participant continues to participate in the event after the terms have been updated, they will be deemed to have agreed to the updated terms.

20.8 Ride Insurance Coverage for Participants