Registro Bici Eroiche Eroica Montalcino EROICA DINNER [fr]VINTAGE WHISKERS COMPETITION [fr]Eroica Window
Combined between Eroica Montalcino & L’Eroica, Gaiole in Chianti “Vintage Whiskers”
ART. 1 To participate in the competition, you must have a beard, a moustache or preferably both.
ART. 2 Entrance to the competition is free of charge.
To enter, simply send an email with your name, surname and location to: Jacopo Ruotolo, [email protected] or by Whatsapp to the number +39 349 6131842.
ART. 3 The competition will take place as follows: - the Eroica Montalcino edition on 29 May 2021 at 18:00 at the Bottega Eroica in Piazza del Popolo; - the L’Eroica edition on 2 October 2020 at 18:00;
ART. 4 The examining body will judge the style, elegance and bearing of participants. - those who participate in both editions will receive 5 bonus points.
ART. 5 Combined prize: - First place: free entry to L’Eroica 2022 - Second place: free entry to Eroica Montalcino 2022 - Third place: free entry to Nova Eroica 2022 Other prizes will be awarded: - Saturday 29 May in Montalcino, Piazza del Popolo at Bottega Eroica at 18:30 - Saturday 2 October in Gaiole in Chianti, Piazza Ricasoli at Bottega Eroica at 18:30