Registro Bici Eroiche Eroica Montalcino EROICA DINNER [fr]VINTAGE WHISKERS COMPETITION [fr]Eroica Window
Montalcino, 15-30 May 2021 “Eroica in Pink”- Montalcino, land of cycling
ART. 1 Eroica Italia SSD a r.l. announces a Competition for the best Eroica shop window during EROICA MONTALCINO.
ART. 2 All commercial businesses and artisans that are open to the public in the Municipality of Montalcino may participate in the competition. Entrance is free and voluntary.
ART. 3 The theme proposed for the competition is “Eroica in Pink“ - “Montalcino, land of cycling”. Participants may freely interpret the theme of the competition with decorations, colours and materials inspired by the beauty of cycling in “Terra Eroica”.
ART. 4 Requests to participate in the competition must be presented by 14 May 2021, by filling in the form that will be distributed to all Montalcino businesses.
ART. 5 Participating windows will be recognizable, thanks to a personalized banner that will be supplied by Eroica.
ART. 6 The jury will be composed as follows: 1 member from the Municipality of Montalcino , 1 member from Confcommercio, 1 from the Vino Brunello Consortium and 2 from Eroica Italia.
ART. 7 The jury will evaluate the windows according to the following criteria: • originality of the idea; • consistency with the theme; • dramatic effect.
ART. 8 All participating windows will receive a prize. All participants in the Best Eroica window competition will receive a Certificate of participation.
ART. 9 Prizes and certificates will be awarded during Eroica Montalcino.
ART. 10 Participation in the competition obliges entrants to accept all of the current rules and regulations.